Meditate: Are mercy and justice opposed to each other? How does God's mercy fulfill His justice, and vice versa? How do the four pillars of Catholic Social teaching; Person-hood, Subsidiarity, the Common Good, and Solidarity change the way I think about myself, my family, my society, and my country? What impact does Christ identifying Himself with the poor and needy have on my actions and thoughts? Where can I get the help to do the works that Christ calls me too? Pray: Make us worthy, Lord, to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them through our hands, this day, their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give them peace and Joy. Amen. Imitate: St. Josephine Bakhita Apply: What opportunities has God given to me to practice the works of mercy, both corporal and spiritual? Extra: Church of St. Mary Social Teaching Series Spiritual Works of Mercy Corporal Works of Mercy
Florence Rosato
3/2/2018 09:05:12 am
Michael Miller
4/3/2018 05:47:08 pm
1 Mercy and Justice are one and the same. True justice would also be a sentence of mercy. Therefore I do not belie they oppose each other.
2/20/2019 10:15:22 am
- No...Justice requires mercy. God shows mercy to those that follow his teaching or ask for his forgiveness
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