Step by Step
RCIA Course Sequence & Syllabus for 40 Days: Living the Faith
( Contact: [email protected]
Introductory Class 1
The Why? Course: Why God? (DVD) (20 min)
Introductory Class 2
The Why? Course: Why Christ? (DVD) (20 min)
Introductory Class 3
The Why? Course: Why the Church? (DVD) (20 min)
SAMPLE FORMAT: Website Lesson Title
ACM Lesson Titles
(ACM Lesson handouts can be emailed as attachments or received in print)
Saint for the Topic
(Conversion Story Handout can be email or received in print)
NOTE: May supplemental videos can be found at with parish subscription.
Contact for code. All others can be loaned in DVD (including 3 Minute Catechism).
To Be Human
The Dignity of the Human Person
(Made in His Image; Spirit and Matter)
3 Minute Catechism:
01 - What is Man? (4 min)
02 - What is the Soul? (3.5 min)
St. Katharine Drexel
To Know God
Divine Revelation, Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition
(Divine Revelation; The Deposit of Faith; Can the Bible be Taken Literally?; Deuterocanonical Books; Sacred Scripture; Sacred Tradition; Responding to the Great Mysteries)
3 Minute Catechism:
07 - Why does God reveal Himself? (2.75 min)
08 - How has God revealed Himself? (4.75 min)
09 - How is Revelation passed on? (3.5 min)
10 – What are the parts of the Bible? (4.5 min)
11 – Who decided what belongs in the Bible? (3.5 min)
03 – What is the difference between believing and knowing? (3.5 min)
04 – What does it mean to “Believe in God”? (3.25 min)
St. Jerome
God is One
The Existence of God
(Attributes of God; Does God Exist?; God’s Justice, God’s Love)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 3 (20 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
05 – Is there proof for the existence of God? (3.25 min)
06 – What are miracles? (3.75 min)
Bonus 1 – Why are Atheists wrong? (4 min)
Bonus 2 – Does Atheism lead to a better world? (4 min)
12 – Who is God? (3.25 min)
13 – Is God really all-powerful? (2.75 min)
14 – Is God really unchanging? (2.5 min)
15 – Is God a man with a long beard? (3 min)
St. Thomas the Apostle
God is Love
The Blessed Trinity, God the Father
(The Blessed Trinity; The Sign of the Cross; God the Father)
Catholicism (DVD) – Episode 3 (15 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
16 – What does it mean that God is Triune? (3.5 min)
17 – How can we summarize belief in the Trinity? (3 min)
18 – How can we understand the Trinity? (4 min)
19 – What pictures do we have of the Holy Trinity? (4.5 min)
20 – What does it mean that God is Love? (3 min)
St. Hilary of Poitiers
The Joy of Being
Creation, Divine Providence
(Beauty; God the Creator; Providence)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 3 (15 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
21 – What is creation according to the Church? (3.25 min)
22 – Is there a contradiction between faith and science? (3.75 min)
23 – Is there a contradiction between the Creation and Evolution? (4.25 min)
St. Albert the Great
Angelic Warfare
Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare (DVD or minutes)
St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Our Wounded Nature
Original Sin and the Mystery of Iniquity, Temptation and Sin
(The Mystery of Evil; Original Sin; The Seven Deadly Sins; Temptation; What is Sin?)
3 Minute Catechism:
24 – What is Evil? (3 min)
25 – What is Original Sin? (3.75 min)
43 – What are the 7 Capital Sins? (2.75 min)
41 – What are Sins? (5 min)
St. Faustina Kowalska
The New Adam
The Incarnation, The Kingdom of God, Salvation and Redemption, The Paschal Mystery, The Son of God
(The Incarnation; The Touch of Jesus; Did Jesus Always Know He was God?; Jesus: The Unexpected Messiah; Miracles: Proof of Christ’s Claim; The Kingdom of God; True God and True Man; Did Jesus Have to Suffer and Die?; The Paschal Mystery; Resurrection)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 1 (50 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
27 – Who was Jesus? (3.5 min)
28 – Why did God become man? (3 min)
29 – Why did Jesus come into the world 2000 years ago? (3.75 min)
30 – How did Jesus live? (3.25 min)
31 – How is Jesus different from the founders of other religions? (3.75 min)
32 – How did Jesus save us on the cross? (3.25 min)
33 – How does the grace of salvation come to us? (2.75 min)
St. Maximilian Kolbe
(My Friend is Jesus – Stephen Westmoreland)
The New Eve
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 4 (49 min)
(The Five Doctrines on Mary; Mary, the New Eve; Mother of God and Our Mother; Apparitions; Praying to Mary: Idolatry or God’s Will?)
3 Minute Catechism:
60 – Who is Mary? (4 min)
St. Joseph
(A Gentle Guiding Hand – Brenda Randall)
The Way to Happiness
Virtuous Living, Natural Law, Freedom in Christ
(Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life; The Beatitudes; Virtuous Living; Errors of Modern Culture; Natural Law; The Christian Meaning of Freedom; The Light of Conscience; Conversion to Jesus Christ)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 2 (1st Half - 35 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
65 – What is man in the light of faith? (3.25 min)
66 – Is everyone called to holiness?
67 – What are virtues? (4 min)
St. Vincent de Paul
To Love God
The New Law, The First Three Commandments
(God’s Law; Veneration of Holy Images: Idolatry?; Profanity; The Sabbath and Sunday Worship)
3 Minute Catechism:
42 – What are the Ten Commandments? (5.5 min)
St. Monica
(Lost and Then Found – Stephanie Nemecek)
To Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
The Last Seven Commandments
(Honoring Our Parents; The Sanctity of Human Life; Stealing, Cheating, Lying; Chastity and Modesty)
3 Minute Catechism:
49 – What is sex? (3 min)
50 – What is sexual morality? (3 min)
St. John the Evangelist
(Seeing the Love of God – Anne Foy)
Mercy and Justice
The Social Teachings of the Church, Mercy and Justice
(Social Teaching of the Church; Works of Mercy)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 2 (2nd Half - 20 min)
St. Josephine Bakhita
(Waiting for the Invitation – Paul Bennet)
In The End
The Second Coming of Christ, The Four Last Things
(The Second Coming of Christ; The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell; Purgatory; The New Heavens and the New Earth: The Real Rapture; Resurrection of the Body; Advent)
The Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell (DVD and minutes)
3 Minute Catechism:
61 – What happens at the end of our lives? (3.25 min)
62 – What will we do in Heaven? (3.75 min)
63 – What is Purgatory? (4.5 min)
64 – What is Hell? (3.25 min)
St. Catherine of Siena
(God Will Reveal His Plan to Us – Anne Brauner)
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Church, The Four Marks of the Church
(The Church is Apostolic; One, Holy, Catholic…; Infallibility; Magisterium; The Precepts of the Church; Servant of the Servants of God)
Gifts from God: Keys of the Kingdom – Understanding the Papacy (DVD and min)
St. Gregory the Great
(Joy, Freedom, and Ecstasy – Steve Ray)
The City of God
The Mystical Body of Christ, The Story of the People of God, Ecumenism and Other Religions
(Mystical Body of Christ; The Covenants of God with Us; Separated Brethren)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 6 (47 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
52 – What is the Church? (3.5 min)
53 – What are the four characteristics of the Church? (3.25 min)
54 – Why does the Church even exist? (3 min)
55 – What is the structure of the Church? (3.25 min)
57 – What and how many? (4 min)
58 – Criticism of the Church (4.5 min)
St. Mary Magdalene
(Many Apostles Bring Me to the Church – Jim Ensley)
Companions on the Way
The Communion of Saints, The Universal Call to Holiness
(The Communion of Saints; Holiness and Joy; Solemnity of All Saints)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 8 (58 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
59 – Why do Catholics call on the saints? (3.5 min)
St. Perpetua, Felicity, and Companions
(Beacon of the Catholic Faith – Debbie Plescia)
Grace Works
Grace, Justification and Merit
(Grace; Grace and Conversion; Justification; Once Saved, Always Saved?)
3 Minute Catechism:
34 – What is Grace? (3 min)
St. Augustine
(Finding the Desire of My Heart – Fr. Ed Fride)
Effective Signs
The Sacramental Economy, Sacramental Living
(God’s Plan of Salvation; The Sacramental Economy; The Catholic Family; The Disciple of Christ; Sacramental Living; Sacraments: God Uses the Material World to Sanctify Us; Sacramentals)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code) - Lesson One: Introduction to the Mysteries (30 min)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Two: The Ritual of Family (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
35 – How do we receive Grace? (3.75 min)
St. Alphonsus Liguori
(Going Through the Door – Anonymous)
Born Again
Baptism, The Virtue of Faith, The Virtue of Hope, The Virtue of Love
(Baptism; Infant Baptism; The Virtue of Faith; The Virtue of Hope; The Virtue of Charity)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Three: The Waters of Salvation (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
36 – What is Baptism? (3.5 min)
St. Patrick
(Finding the Truth, Finding my God – Eric Pavlat)
Equipped for Battle
Confirmation, The Holy Spirit
(Confirmation; The Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Martyrdom; The Holy Spirit)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Four: On a Mission for God (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
37 – What is Confirmation? (2.75 min)
51 – Who is the Holy Spirit? (3 min)
Bl. Miguel Pro
(Mary by My Side – Jame M. Herbert)
Go Forth
The Priesthood of the Faithful and Evangelization
(Evangelization; The Priesthood of the Faithful, People of God)
St. Paul the Apostle
Where Heaven Meets Earth
Liturgy, The Mass
(Liturgy: An Introduction; The Liturgy of the Hours; History of the Mass; The Liturgical Year; The Parts of the Mass; What is a Rite?; Liturgical Vocabulary List)
Catholicism (DVD) – Episode 7 (50 min)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Five: The Sacrificial Offering (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
39 – What is Holy Mass? (5.25 min)
40 – What are the parts of the Mass? (2.75 min)
St. Benedict of Nursia
(Starving for the Eucharist – Martha Tonn)
Real Presence
The Eucharist: Part 1
(The Eucharist; Real Presence; Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Six: Lamb of God (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
38 – What is the Eucharist? (4 min)
St. Thomas Aquinas
(In Mary’s Womb – Andre Bolster)
Food for the Journey
The Eucharist: Part 2
(The Eucharist; Real Presence; Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Seven: Heaven on Earth (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
38 – What is the Eucharist? (4 min)
St. Dominic Savio
(God Cares Specifically About Me – Julie Eddy)
Our Divine Physician
Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick and Redemptive Suffering
(Confession to a Human Being; Continual Conversion and Penance; Reconciliation; Indulgences; Anointing of the Sick; The Christian Meaning of Suffering; Viaticum)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Eight: Reconciled to God (25 min)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Nine: Spiritual Healing (25 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
44 – What is Confession? (3.75 min)
45 – What is Anointing of the Sick? (2.5 min)
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
(A Future and a Hope – Joe Allison)
Fruitful Love
Holy Matrimony
(Marriage, Sexuality, and Contraception; Matrimony; What is a Sacramental Marriage?)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Ten: Brides and Bridegrooms (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
48 – What is Marriage? (3.5 min)
49 – What is sex? (3 min)
50 – What is sexual morality? (3 min)
St. Thomas Moore
(Accepting Jesus as Lord and God – Jim Safford)
Conformed to Christ
Holy Orders, Vocations: God’s Call
(Celibacy for the Sake of the Kingdom; Holy Orders; In Persona Christi; Women and the Priesthood; The Consecrated Life)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Eleven: Ordained to Serve (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
46 – What is a Catholic Priest? (4 min)
47 – The Sacrament of Holy Orders…? (2.75 min)
56 – What are monks, nuns, and religious orders? (2.75 min)
Divine Intimacy
Introduction to Prayer, Traditions of Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer
(Forgiveness; The Lord’s Prayer; Aspects of Prayer; Introduction to Prayer; Jesus: Our Exemplar in Prayer; Types of Prayer; Christian Meditation; The Heights of Prayer: Contemplation; Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; The Holy Rosary; Novenas)
3 Minute Catechism:
68 – What is prayer? (5 min)
69 – What is the role of the body in prayer? (2.75 min)
70 – What is the Our Father? (3.75 min)
St. Teresa of Avila
(Happily Ever After – Heather Keimig)
Into the Wilderness
The Battle of Prayer, Preparation for Lent
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 9 (50 min)
(The Battle of Prayer; Lent: Period of Purification and Enlightenment; The Stations of the Cross)
St. Therese of Lisieux
(Not Obligated, but Freely Choosing – Anonymous)
( Contact: [email protected]
Introductory Class 1
The Why? Course: Why God? (DVD) (20 min)
Introductory Class 2
The Why? Course: Why Christ? (DVD) (20 min)
Introductory Class 3
The Why? Course: Why the Church? (DVD) (20 min)
SAMPLE FORMAT: Website Lesson Title
ACM Lesson Titles
(ACM Lesson handouts can be emailed as attachments or received in print)
Saint for the Topic
(Conversion Story Handout can be email or received in print)
NOTE: May supplemental videos can be found at with parish subscription.
Contact for code. All others can be loaned in DVD (including 3 Minute Catechism).
To Be Human
The Dignity of the Human Person
(Made in His Image; Spirit and Matter)
3 Minute Catechism:
01 - What is Man? (4 min)
02 - What is the Soul? (3.5 min)
St. Katharine Drexel
To Know God
Divine Revelation, Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition
(Divine Revelation; The Deposit of Faith; Can the Bible be Taken Literally?; Deuterocanonical Books; Sacred Scripture; Sacred Tradition; Responding to the Great Mysteries)
3 Minute Catechism:
07 - Why does God reveal Himself? (2.75 min)
08 - How has God revealed Himself? (4.75 min)
09 - How is Revelation passed on? (3.5 min)
10 – What are the parts of the Bible? (4.5 min)
11 – Who decided what belongs in the Bible? (3.5 min)
03 – What is the difference between believing and knowing? (3.5 min)
04 – What does it mean to “Believe in God”? (3.25 min)
St. Jerome
God is One
The Existence of God
(Attributes of God; Does God Exist?; God’s Justice, God’s Love)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 3 (20 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
05 – Is there proof for the existence of God? (3.25 min)
06 – What are miracles? (3.75 min)
Bonus 1 – Why are Atheists wrong? (4 min)
Bonus 2 – Does Atheism lead to a better world? (4 min)
12 – Who is God? (3.25 min)
13 – Is God really all-powerful? (2.75 min)
14 – Is God really unchanging? (2.5 min)
15 – Is God a man with a long beard? (3 min)
St. Thomas the Apostle
God is Love
The Blessed Trinity, God the Father
(The Blessed Trinity; The Sign of the Cross; God the Father)
Catholicism (DVD) – Episode 3 (15 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
16 – What does it mean that God is Triune? (3.5 min)
17 – How can we summarize belief in the Trinity? (3 min)
18 – How can we understand the Trinity? (4 min)
19 – What pictures do we have of the Holy Trinity? (4.5 min)
20 – What does it mean that God is Love? (3 min)
St. Hilary of Poitiers
The Joy of Being
Creation, Divine Providence
(Beauty; God the Creator; Providence)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 3 (15 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
21 – What is creation according to the Church? (3.25 min)
22 – Is there a contradiction between faith and science? (3.75 min)
23 – Is there a contradiction between the Creation and Evolution? (4.25 min)
St. Albert the Great
Angelic Warfare
Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare (DVD or minutes)
St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Our Wounded Nature
Original Sin and the Mystery of Iniquity, Temptation and Sin
(The Mystery of Evil; Original Sin; The Seven Deadly Sins; Temptation; What is Sin?)
3 Minute Catechism:
24 – What is Evil? (3 min)
25 – What is Original Sin? (3.75 min)
43 – What are the 7 Capital Sins? (2.75 min)
41 – What are Sins? (5 min)
St. Faustina Kowalska
The New Adam
The Incarnation, The Kingdom of God, Salvation and Redemption, The Paschal Mystery, The Son of God
(The Incarnation; The Touch of Jesus; Did Jesus Always Know He was God?; Jesus: The Unexpected Messiah; Miracles: Proof of Christ’s Claim; The Kingdom of God; True God and True Man; Did Jesus Have to Suffer and Die?; The Paschal Mystery; Resurrection)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 1 (50 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
27 – Who was Jesus? (3.5 min)
28 – Why did God become man? (3 min)
29 – Why did Jesus come into the world 2000 years ago? (3.75 min)
30 – How did Jesus live? (3.25 min)
31 – How is Jesus different from the founders of other religions? (3.75 min)
32 – How did Jesus save us on the cross? (3.25 min)
33 – How does the grace of salvation come to us? (2.75 min)
St. Maximilian Kolbe
(My Friend is Jesus – Stephen Westmoreland)
The New Eve
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 4 (49 min)
(The Five Doctrines on Mary; Mary, the New Eve; Mother of God and Our Mother; Apparitions; Praying to Mary: Idolatry or God’s Will?)
3 Minute Catechism:
60 – Who is Mary? (4 min)
St. Joseph
(A Gentle Guiding Hand – Brenda Randall)
The Way to Happiness
Virtuous Living, Natural Law, Freedom in Christ
(Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life; The Beatitudes; Virtuous Living; Errors of Modern Culture; Natural Law; The Christian Meaning of Freedom; The Light of Conscience; Conversion to Jesus Christ)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 2 (1st Half - 35 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
65 – What is man in the light of faith? (3.25 min)
66 – Is everyone called to holiness?
67 – What are virtues? (4 min)
St. Vincent de Paul
To Love God
The New Law, The First Three Commandments
(God’s Law; Veneration of Holy Images: Idolatry?; Profanity; The Sabbath and Sunday Worship)
3 Minute Catechism:
42 – What are the Ten Commandments? (5.5 min)
St. Monica
(Lost and Then Found – Stephanie Nemecek)
To Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
The Last Seven Commandments
(Honoring Our Parents; The Sanctity of Human Life; Stealing, Cheating, Lying; Chastity and Modesty)
3 Minute Catechism:
49 – What is sex? (3 min)
50 – What is sexual morality? (3 min)
St. John the Evangelist
(Seeing the Love of God – Anne Foy)
Mercy and Justice
The Social Teachings of the Church, Mercy and Justice
(Social Teaching of the Church; Works of Mercy)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 2 (2nd Half - 20 min)
St. Josephine Bakhita
(Waiting for the Invitation – Paul Bennet)
In The End
The Second Coming of Christ, The Four Last Things
(The Second Coming of Christ; The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell; Purgatory; The New Heavens and the New Earth: The Real Rapture; Resurrection of the Body; Advent)
The Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell (DVD and minutes)
3 Minute Catechism:
61 – What happens at the end of our lives? (3.25 min)
62 – What will we do in Heaven? (3.75 min)
63 – What is Purgatory? (4.5 min)
64 – What is Hell? (3.25 min)
St. Catherine of Siena
(God Will Reveal His Plan to Us – Anne Brauner)
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Church, The Four Marks of the Church
(The Church is Apostolic; One, Holy, Catholic…; Infallibility; Magisterium; The Precepts of the Church; Servant of the Servants of God)
Gifts from God: Keys of the Kingdom – Understanding the Papacy (DVD and min)
St. Gregory the Great
(Joy, Freedom, and Ecstasy – Steve Ray)
The City of God
The Mystical Body of Christ, The Story of the People of God, Ecumenism and Other Religions
(Mystical Body of Christ; The Covenants of God with Us; Separated Brethren)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 6 (47 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
52 – What is the Church? (3.5 min)
53 – What are the four characteristics of the Church? (3.25 min)
54 – Why does the Church even exist? (3 min)
55 – What is the structure of the Church? (3.25 min)
57 – What and how many? (4 min)
58 – Criticism of the Church (4.5 min)
St. Mary Magdalene
(Many Apostles Bring Me to the Church – Jim Ensley)
Companions on the Way
The Communion of Saints, The Universal Call to Holiness
(The Communion of Saints; Holiness and Joy; Solemnity of All Saints)
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 8 (58 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
59 – Why do Catholics call on the saints? (3.5 min)
St. Perpetua, Felicity, and Companions
(Beacon of the Catholic Faith – Debbie Plescia)
Grace Works
Grace, Justification and Merit
(Grace; Grace and Conversion; Justification; Once Saved, Always Saved?)
3 Minute Catechism:
34 – What is Grace? (3 min)
St. Augustine
(Finding the Desire of My Heart – Fr. Ed Fride)
Effective Signs
The Sacramental Economy, Sacramental Living
(God’s Plan of Salvation; The Sacramental Economy; The Catholic Family; The Disciple of Christ; Sacramental Living; Sacraments: God Uses the Material World to Sanctify Us; Sacramentals)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code) - Lesson One: Introduction to the Mysteries (30 min)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Two: The Ritual of Family (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
35 – How do we receive Grace? (3.75 min)
St. Alphonsus Liguori
(Going Through the Door – Anonymous)
Born Again
Baptism, The Virtue of Faith, The Virtue of Hope, The Virtue of Love
(Baptism; Infant Baptism; The Virtue of Faith; The Virtue of Hope; The Virtue of Charity)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Three: The Waters of Salvation (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
36 – What is Baptism? (3.5 min)
St. Patrick
(Finding the Truth, Finding my God – Eric Pavlat)
Equipped for Battle
Confirmation, The Holy Spirit
(Confirmation; The Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Martyrdom; The Holy Spirit)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Four: On a Mission for God (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
37 – What is Confirmation? (2.75 min)
51 – Who is the Holy Spirit? (3 min)
Bl. Miguel Pro
(Mary by My Side – Jame M. Herbert)
Go Forth
The Priesthood of the Faithful and Evangelization
(Evangelization; The Priesthood of the Faithful, People of God)
St. Paul the Apostle
Where Heaven Meets Earth
Liturgy, The Mass
(Liturgy: An Introduction; The Liturgy of the Hours; History of the Mass; The Liturgical Year; The Parts of the Mass; What is a Rite?; Liturgical Vocabulary List)
Catholicism (DVD) – Episode 7 (50 min)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Five: The Sacrificial Offering (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
39 – What is Holy Mass? (5.25 min)
40 – What are the parts of the Mass? (2.75 min)
St. Benedict of Nursia
(Starving for the Eucharist – Martha Tonn)
Real Presence
The Eucharist: Part 1
(The Eucharist; Real Presence; Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Six: Lamb of God (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
38 – What is the Eucharist? (4 min)
St. Thomas Aquinas
(In Mary’s Womb – Andre Bolster)
Food for the Journey
The Eucharist: Part 2
(The Eucharist; Real Presence; Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Seven: Heaven on Earth (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
38 – What is the Eucharist? (4 min)
St. Dominic Savio
(God Cares Specifically About Me – Julie Eddy)
Our Divine Physician
Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick and Redemptive Suffering
(Confession to a Human Being; Continual Conversion and Penance; Reconciliation; Indulgences; Anointing of the Sick; The Christian Meaning of Suffering; Viaticum)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Eight: Reconciled to God (25 min)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Nine: Spiritual Healing (25 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
44 – What is Confession? (3.75 min)
45 – What is Anointing of the Sick? (2.5 min)
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
(A Future and a Hope – Joe Allison)
Fruitful Love
Holy Matrimony
(Marriage, Sexuality, and Contraception; Matrimony; What is a Sacramental Marriage?)
The Bible and the Sacraments(Contact for Code) - Lesson Ten: Brides and Bridegrooms (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
48 – What is Marriage? (3.5 min)
49 – What is sex? (3 min)
50 – What is sexual morality? (3 min)
St. Thomas Moore
(Accepting Jesus as Lord and God – Jim Safford)
Conformed to Christ
Holy Orders, Vocations: God’s Call
(Celibacy for the Sake of the Kingdom; Holy Orders; In Persona Christi; Women and the Priesthood; The Consecrated Life)
The Bible and the Sacraments (Contact for Code)- Lesson Eleven: Ordained to Serve (30 min)
3 Minute Catechism:
46 – What is a Catholic Priest? (4 min)
47 – The Sacrament of Holy Orders…? (2.75 min)
56 – What are monks, nuns, and religious orders? (2.75 min)
Divine Intimacy
Introduction to Prayer, Traditions of Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer
(Forgiveness; The Lord’s Prayer; Aspects of Prayer; Introduction to Prayer; Jesus: Our Exemplar in Prayer; Types of Prayer; Christian Meditation; The Heights of Prayer: Contemplation; Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; The Holy Rosary; Novenas)
3 Minute Catechism:
68 – What is prayer? (5 min)
69 – What is the role of the body in prayer? (2.75 min)
70 – What is the Our Father? (3.75 min)
St. Teresa of Avila
(Happily Ever After – Heather Keimig)
Into the Wilderness
The Battle of Prayer, Preparation for Lent
Catholicism (DVD)– Episode 9 (50 min)
(The Battle of Prayer; Lent: Period of Purification and Enlightenment; The Stations of the Cross)
St. Therese of Lisieux
(Not Obligated, but Freely Choosing – Anonymous)