Meditate: What does the Church mean when she says that Baptism is necessary for salvation and what exactly does Baptism save us from? What if someone has never been baptized or has never had the chance? What does it mean to have new life in Christ? Why is water so important for Baptism? Why is the name of the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit invoked during Baptism? What are the theological virtues and why are they so important to our life as Christians? What can we do to prepare ourselves or others for baptism? After baptism, how should we live? What does it mean to participate in Christ's ministry as priest, prophet, and king? Pray: My Lord and my God, take from me everything that distances me from you. My Lord and my God, give me everything that brings me closer to you. My Lord and my God, detach me from myself to give my all to you. Amen. Imitate: St. Patrick Apply: Every Baptized person is incorporated into Christ and His Church. Do my life and actions show that I am a child of God and a member of His Church? Am I ready to really live up to my Baptismal promises? Extra: Deus caritas est: God is Love - Pope Benedict XVI Spe salvi: Saved by Hope - Pope Benedict XVI Lumen fidei: The Light of Faith - Pope Benedict XVI/Pope Francis Baptismal Grace The Necessity of Baptism Born Again in Baptism Baptism: Immersion Only? Infant Baptism Early Teaching on Infant Baptism Trinitarian Baptism
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