Meditate: Why is confession so important? When I confess my sins, who am I being reconciled to, and why is this so important? What is necessary to make a good confession? What is perfect and imperfect contrition? When should I go to confession and how often? Even though it is not required, why is it beneficial to confess venial sins? When should I call on the priest for the Anointing of the Sick or Viaticum? How do both the Sacraments of Healing show God's Justice and His Mercy? Pray: O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen. Imitate: St. Pio of Pietrelcina Apply: Do I or am I prepared to confess all mortal sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Do I examine my conscience often, even daily? Am I willing to make amends and do penance for my sins? Do I unite my sufferings with Christ's sufferings? Do I have compassion for those who suffer? Am I willing forgive as I have been forgiven? Extra: Sophia Sketchpad: Confession Outside da Box: How do I go to Confession? "First Confession" Part 1 "First Confession" Part 2 Bishop Robert Barron - Why do I have to confess to a priest? Tour of the Catechism #47 - Sacraments of Healing Tour of the Catechism #48 - Reconciliation: Penitent, Minister, Effects Tour of the Catechism #49 - Reconciliation: Penitent, Minster, Effects No Apologies #98 - Confession 1 No Apologies #99 - Confession 2 Catholic Encyclopedia: Sacrament of Penance Confession Confession: A Pain that Ends in Joy Tour of the Catechism #50 - Indulgences and Penance No Apologies #100 - Indulgences-Scriptural No Apologies #101 - Indulgences-Not "buying" forgiveness No Apologies #102 - Indulgences-A fruit of Christ's Redemption Primer on Indulgences Myths About Indulgences Tour of the Catechism #51 - Anointing of the Sick Catholic Encyclopedia: Extreme Unction Catholic Encyclopedia: Preparation for Death Anointing of the Sick
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