2) 3MC: 65 – What is man in the light of faith? 66 – Is everyone called to holiness? 67 – What are virtues? 3) CCC 1691-1845, 1949-1986 (YOUCAT 279-320, 333-336) Meditate: If Christ has come to set me free, what has He come to set me free from? What has He come to set me free for? What kind of responsibility comes with this freedom? What does it mean live a virtuous life? How do I know if my conscience is leading me in the right direction? In what ways can I form my conscience? Pray: Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding and my whole will. All that I am and all that I possess you have given me: I surrender it all to you to be disposed of according to your will. Give me only your love and your grace; with these I will be rich enough and will desire nothing more. Amen. Imitate: St. Vincent de Paul Apply: Do I examine my conscience on a daily basis? Do I use the proper tools necessary to help me live the virtuous life? Extra: Prudence Justice Temperance Fortitude Humility Chastity Modesty Bishop Robert Barron: What is Natural Law? Tour of the Catechism #58 - Life in Christ Tour of the Catechism #59 - The Dignity of the Human Person Tour of the Catechism #60 - Our Vocation to Beatitude Tour of the Catechism #61 - Man's Freedom Tour of the Catechism #62 - Morality of Human Acts Tour of the Catechism #63 - Morality of the Passions Tour of the Catechism #64 - Moral Conscience Tour of the Catechism #65 - The Virtues Tour of the Catechism #66 - Theological Virtues Tour of the Catechism #71 - Law and Grace Tour of the Catechism #72 - Law of the Gospel
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