Meditate: In what ways has God given me help up to this point in my life? In what ways can I expect God to help me now and in the future? If God's grace is unmerited favor: How then can I prepare for it, how can I apply it in my life, why does God allow me to cooperate with it, and why does God reward me for cooperating with His grace? What does it mean to be saved and how was my salvation accomplished? How does faith play a role in my salvation? Is conversion a one time event or a process that lasts a lifetime? If so, how can I cooperate with God to become more and more the person he calls me to be? Pray: Oh my God, You know my weakness and failings, and that without Your help I can accomplish nothing for the good of souls, my own and others’. Grant me, therefore, the help of Your grace. Grant it according to my particular needs this day. Enable me to see the task You will set before me in the daily routine of my life, and help me to work hard at my appointed tasks. Teach me to bear patiently all the trials of suffering or failure that may come to me today. Amen. Imitate: St. Augustine Apply: Do I thank God for His grace in my life? Do I humbly ask for His grace when needed? Am I responsible with the grace He has given me? Extra: Justification: Process or One-Time Deal? Reward and Merit Assurance of Salvation? What Does it Mean to Merit Salvation? Bishop Robert Baron on the Parable of the Talents Bishop Robert Baron on Nature and Grace Bishop Robert Baron on What Faith Is and What Faith Isn't Bishop Robert Baron on The Council of Trent
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