Disputation of the Holy Sacrament (La Disputa) by Raphael (1483 - 1520) Why "Not to go to Communion is like someone dying of thirst beside a spring." - St. John Vianney Read: Genesis 14:17-20 Psalm 5 Luke 22:14-20 Study: 1) Handouts: Liturgy: An Introduction; The Liturgy of the Hours; History of the Mass; The Liturgical Year; The Parts of the Mass; What is a Rite?; Liturgical Vocabulary List 2) 3MC: 39 – What is Holy Mass? 40 – What are the parts of the Mass? 3) CCC 1066-1206, 1322-1405 (YOUCAT 166-192, 208 - 223) Meditate: What happens when the Christian community comes to together to worship God? If our worship is our work, how and why is it also God's work in our lives? If Jesus comes to meet us in the Mass by His real presence in the Holy Eucharist, how then should I prepare myself for the Mass? How should I spend my time during the Mass? Why is it so important that I make every effort to attend Mass on Sundays and all Holy Days of obligation? Pray: Lord Jesus, I wish to receive you into my heart with all the ardor of love that the most fervent soul ever had for you. May I receive you with the purity, love, and joy of Mary. Amen. Imitate: St. Benedict of Nursia Apply: Do I make the effort to pay attention during the Mass? Am I thankful for all the good gifts God has given me, and do I express that thankfulness in my worship? Do I show God the proper reverence while worshiping Him? Do I attend Mass on Sundays and all Holy Days of Obligation? Extra: Documentary Video - Catholic Mass The Meaning of the Mass - Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen Catholic Encyclopedia: Liturgy of the Mass Catholic Encyclopedia: Sacrifice of the Mass Catholic Answers: The Institution of the Mass Catholic Answers: The Sacrifice of the Mass Why We Don't Drink Coffee at Mass?
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