"Love is perfected in fidelity." (Soren Kierkegaard) Read: Ephesians 5:21-33 Psalm 128 John 2:1-10 Study: 1) Handouts: Marriage, Sexuality, and Contraception; Matrimony; What is a Sacramental Marriage? 2) 3MC: 48 – What is Marriage? 49 – What is sex? 50 – What is sexual morality? 3) CCC 1127-1128, 1534-1535, 1601-1658, 2361-2377, 2685 (YOUCAT 260 - 271) Meditate: What is the difference between a sacramental marriage and a non-sacramental marriage? Why would Christ elevate marriage to a sacrament? Why is God's grace so important for marriage? How does marriage image the God who is Love? What does it mean to enter into a covenant with another person? How important are the marriage vows and how does one find the support to live them out? How can we help ourselves and those who have misunderstood the meaning marriage or have failed to live it out faithfully? What is an annulment? What is divorce? Pray: Jesus, you chose to be born into a family with a married mother and father. We ask for courage as we stand with children, protecting their fundamental human right to know and be cared for by their mothers and fathers, as far as possible. May no child ever be intentionally deprived of his mother or father, without just cause. We ask the intercession of the Holy Family for laws that recognize marriage that unites a man and a woman with each other and any children born from their union. We pray for public institutions that encourage men and women to make themselves irreplaceable to each other in marriage in preparation to receive children as gifts. Grant us the grace and wisdom to participate in the evangelization of culture for marriage and family. Amen Imitate: St. Thomas Moore Apply: Do I strive to live out the virtue of chastity no matter what my state in life? Am I faithful to my spouse in thought, in words, and in actions? Do I love my spouse like Christ loved me? Is my marriage truly a sign of Christ's relationship with His Bride, the Church? Extra: Church Teaching on Marriage Sophia Sketchpad: Marriage Catholic Encyclopedia: Sacrament of Marriage Catholic Encyclopedia: Ritual of Marriage Chastity.com
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