3) 3MC: 52 – What is the Church? 53 – What are the four characteristics of the Church? 54 – Why does the Church even exist? 55 – What is the structure of the Church? 57 – What and how many? 58 – Criticism of the Church Meditate: There are many different symbols for the Church: What does it mean to call the Church the Bride and Jesus the Bridegroom? How is it that the Church is called the Body of Christ? If the Church is the Living Temple of the Holy Spirit, how then should I conduct myself? How can I work toward the unity of all Christians or for that matter the unity of all people in Christ? In what ways can those who are not part of the Church be blessed by those who are in the Church? Pray: We pray to You, O almighty and eternal God! Who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Your mercy, that Your Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of your name. Amen. Imitate: St. Mary Magdalene Apply: When was the last time I invited someone to consider joining the Catholic Church? Extra: Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth Authentic Ecumenism Salvation Outside the Church The Church Union of Christendom
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