31 – How is Jesus different from the founders of other religions? 32 – How did Jesus save us on the cross? 33 – How does the grace of salvation come to us? 3) CCC 260, 410-617, 1168 (YOUCAT 9-10, 21, 60, 71-79, 88, 136, 152, 174, 199, 335) Meditate: Considering that Jesus is God, how then do I respond to His teaching? Considering that Jesus is perfect man, how then does His life become an example for mine? What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? What should be my response to everything Christ has done for me? If Christ was willing to lay down His life for me and those I encounter, am I willing to lay down my life first for Christ and then for the good of those I encounter? Pray: Only-Begotten Word of the Father, Jesus Christ, who alone are perfect: According to the greatness of your mercy, do not abandon me, your servant, but ever rest in my heart. O Sweet Jesus, Good Shepherd of Your flock, deliver me from the attacks of The Enemy. Do not allow me to become the prey of Satan's evil intent, even though I have within me the seed of eternal damnation. Instead, O Lord Jesus Christ, Adorable God, Holy King, while I sleep, protect me by Your Holy spirit, through Whom You sanctified Your Apostles. Enlighten my mind by the light of the Holy Gospel, my soul by the love of Your Cross, my heart by the purity of Your teaching. Protect my body by Your sacred passion, my senses by Your humility, and awaken me in due time for Your glorification. For You, above all, are adorable, together with Your eternal Father, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen. (Saint Antiochus) Imitate: St. Maximilian Kolbe Apply: How can I help others to know and experience Jesus Christ? Extra: Catholic Encyclopedia: Jesus Christ Catholic Encyclopedia: The Incarnation Catholic Encyclopedia: Salvation Catholic Encyclopedia: Redemption The Eternal Sonship of Christ The Divinity of Christ How the Cross Actually Saves You (And How it Doesn't) Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Tour of the Catechism #13 - I Believe in Jesus Tour of the Catechism #14 - Son of God Became Man Tour of the Catechism #15 - Born of the Virgin Mary Tour of the Catechism #16 - Christ's Life Tour of the Catechism #17 - Jesus Suffered and Died Tour of the Catechism #18 - Resurrection
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