2) CCC 75-79, 85-86, 551-553, 737-933 (YOUCAT 121 - 145) Meditate: How does the ministry of the Pope preserve the unity of Christian faith? What does it mean for the Pope to be called the Servant of the Servants of God? How does the supernatural gift of infallibility give me the assurance that what the Church professes is really the fullness of the Truth? What can I do when confronted with scandal in the Church? Pray: May your continual pity, O Lord, cleanse and defend Your Church; and, because without you she cannot endure in safety, may she ever be governed by Your bounty. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen. Imitate: Pope St. Gregory the Great Apply: If most people's personal interaction with and impression of the Church begins with me: How can I be of one in mind, faith, and heart with the whole Church, especially with the Pope and the teaching of the Magisterium? How can I pray for and work towards the unity of all Christians? How can I live a life of holiness or seek it out humbly through repentance, sacramental preparation, prayer, self denial, study of the Church's teachings, etc.? Do I recognize the universal call for salvation from Jesus to all who are willing without exception? Do I recognize that the Gospel is for everyone, therefore it should be made available for everyone? Do I honor the apostolic service of my deacons, priests, and especially my Bishop? Do I honor the authority of the Pope and the Magisterium? Extra: Peter the Rock The Pope Peter's Primacy The Authority of the Pope: Part I The Authority of the Pope: Part II Origins of Peter as Pope Peter's Successors List of Popes Apostolic Succession Bishop Hierarchy Canon Law What "Catholic" Means Salvation Outside the Church
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