Death of Moses by Alexandre Cabanel "Something incomprehensible is not for that reason less real." - Blaise Pascal Read: Acts 17:22-28 Psalm 18 John 1:1-4 Study: 1) Handouts: Attributes of God; Does God Exist?; God’s Justice, God’s Love; Creed 2) 3MC: 05 – Is there proof for the existence of God? 06 – What are miracles? Bonus 1 – Why are Atheists wrong? Bonus 2 – Does Atheism lead to a better world? 12 – Who is God? 13 – Is God really all-powerful? 14 – Is God really unchanging? 15 – Is God a man with a long beard? 3) CCC 27-43, 198-226, 239, 268-272 (YOUCAT 1-6) Meditate: Believing in existence of God has what implications for the way I live? Meditate on the attributes of the Divine Nature, ask yourself: How does the nature of God affect my understanding of the world, of my circumstances, of myself? Knowing that God is so much greater than I could ever think or imagine, what will it be like to actually see Him in heaven "face to face"? Pray: God, though I don't see you, you see me. Though I do not know you, you know me even more than I know myself. Help me to believe and trust that your existence means that there is no one else who knows me more and still loves me. Amen. Imitate: St. Thomas the Apostle Apply: In what ways can I help others believe that God exists and help those who struggle with doubt? Extra: Kalam Cosmological Argument Leibniz' Contingency Argument Fine Tuning of the Universe Argument The Moral Argument The Argument from Desire God's Existence The Father's Splendor William Lane Craig website Catholic Encyclopedia: The Attributes and Nature of God No Apologies #21 - Prime Mover No Apologies #22 - "Uncreated Being" No Apologies #23 - Intelligent Design Tour of the Catechism #7 - Creeds, God the Father
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