Meditate: What does it mean when the Church says the priest works in persona Christi? Why is apostolic succession so important for a proper understanding of Holy Orders? What is the difference between a bishop, and priest, and a deacon? Why is celibacy an important gift and discipline? Are all consecrated ministers, like monks and nuns, ordained ministers? Pray: O God, you sent your Son, Jesus, to bring eternal life to those who believe. I join him in praying for laborers for your harvest. May your Holy Spirit inspire men and women to continue his mission through your priesthood, diaconate, religious life and lay ministry. May this same Spirit make known your will for my life. Amen. Imitate: St. John Vianney Apply: Do I pray for my bishop, my priests, and my deacons? Extra: Catholic Encyclopedia: Holy Orders Bishop, Priest, and Deacon Catholic Encyclopedia: Apostolic Succession Apostolic Succession Catholic Encyclopedia: Celibacy of the Clergy Celibacy and the Priesthood Celibacy Is a Gift Women & the Priesthood - Dr. Peter Kreeft Priest or Priestess? No Apologies #97 - Call No Man Father Call No Man "Father"
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