Meditate: What implications does being made in God's image have upon my perspective on life and upon my actions? What is the purpose of my life and what are the tools God gives me to achieve that purpose? What is really at the depths of how I define who I am? What it is it that I desire most? What is it that I fear most? Pray: Lord and giver of all life, help us to value each person, created in love by you. In your mercy, guide and assist our efforts to promote the dignity and value of all human life, born and unborn. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Imitate: St. Katharine Drexel Apply: In what ways can I better honor the image of God in myself and in others? Extra: USCCB: Life and Dignity of the Human Person Catholic Encyclopedia: Man Catholic Encyclopedia: Soul The Importance of Free Choice: The Role of Our Will - Peter Kreeft Seven Proofs for the Natural Immortality of the Soul No Apologies #25 - Man has a Soul No Apologies #26 - Soul is Immortal (Part 1) No Apologies #27 - Soul is Immortal (Part 2) Tour of the Catechism #2 - The Profession of Faith Tour of the Catechism #11 - Heaven and Earth
2/8/2018 09:20:22 am
I'm not sure how we're suppose to respond to your assignments. I hope this is right?
2/9/2018 03:20:28 pm
I decided to re-read the Human outline you sent me. I think I may have misunderstood exactly what you wanted.
Caleb Payne
2/11/2018 10:57:31 am
Hi Florence,
Michael L Miller
2/15/2018 05:24:13 am
To Be Human:
Caleb Payne
2/15/2018 06:33:33 am
Great job Michael and welcome to the class. In response to your last answer concerning fear: You can be assured that God wants to forgive you and he will do so definitively in the waters of Baptism, but even now (in anticipation) as you are sorry for them and resolve to do His will and to love your neighbor as yourself. Moreover God promises his help to you to overcome sin. He has given us His truth through the Church in the Bible and in It's Sacred Traditions to inform us, He has given us His Sacraments through the Church to empower us (which you desire and are waiting for), and He has given us prayer to keep us close to Him with the Saints who are already close to Him and continually pray for us. In other words we are SURROUNDED by His help day by day.
Joseph Rosato
10/31/2018 10:43:16 am
* We're all made equal in God eye's and I do believe it in my heart
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